- To safeguard and promote the interests of employers in all matters affecting relations between employers and employees.
- To make available to members from time to time, information on policies, conditions of employment, rates of pay, general and specific HR practices and Industrial Relations matters.
- To ascertain the views of members on matters of common interest.
- To facilitate, promote and provide for joint consultation between members.
- To promote, encourage and assist the formation of Associations of Employers operating in particular fields of trade and industry as well as to secure the membership in the Federation of such associations.
- To act as a consultative and advisory body on issues of concern or interest, submitted for consideration or advice by any member, or in any other matter of general concern to members.
- To collect from members and other appropriate sources, current and relevant statistical and other data to facilitate the continuous study of the wage structure and conditions of employment which obtain in Jamaica; collate and store for the guidance of members.
- To promote amongst members such co-ordination of action as may be necessary or desirable for the purpose of:-
- Averting/preventing or remedying industrial disputes between members and their employees.
- Achieving collective bargaining on an industry-wide basis wherever members desire.
- To act as the organization most representative of employers in Jamaica on all matters coming within the scope of the International Labour Office (ILO).
- To consider and make recommendations with regard to any legislation affecting, or likely to affect, relations of employers and employees, whether indirectly or directly.
- To promote, subscribe to, associate and co-operate with, any organization, international or otherwise, whose objectives are similar to those of the Federation.
- Generally, to lobby on behalf of, and promote and protect the mutual interests of members and other employers of labour as well as that of employees; and to engage in other lawful activities as are, or may become, incidental and conducive to the attainment of any, or all, of the preceding objectives.